Thursday Live
Monthly Organ Recitals
by Paul Carr and Guests
First Thursday of every month
1.15pm - 1.45pm
Admission free
Recitals 2013-2014
June 6th 2013: Paul Carr - St Paul's, Birmingham
July 4th 2013: Paul Carr
August 1st 2013: Paul Carr
September 5th 2013: Paul Carr
October 3rd 2013: Prof. Dr. Zsolt Gárdonyi (Germany)
November 7th 2013: Paul Carr
December 5th 2013: Paul Carr
January 2nd 2014: Paul Carr
February 6th 2014: Paul Carr
March 6th 2014: Paul Carr
April 3rd 2014: Hannah Parry-Ridout (London)
May 1st 2014: Paul Carr
June 5th 2014: Paul Carr
>Programmes and more about Thursday Live
Click to submit your details by email.
All information will be held securely and confidentially
The series runs throughout the year. Admission is free with a retiring collection towards church funds to enable the continuation of such ventures.
The acoustic in St Paul's Church is one of the finest in the city. Light refreshments are available after each recital.
>Service Music
>The Choir
>The Organ