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St. Paul's Church - Birmingham England
News & Review
The Church of England
the Church
Set in a timeless Georgian square, with rolling lawns and tree-lined walks

Serving God
in the Jewellery Quarter

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Sponsoring the Wine and Candles at St Paul's

You can sponsor the wine and candles we use in church for a specified month, by giving a donation to church funds. You may l ike to do this to mark a time in the year which has a particular special meaning to you. We ask for weekly donations for a suggested figure of £5.00. If you would like to sponsor a week(s) please put the money / cheque in an envelope with a note of the date(s) and your name and if you wish the reason and give it to Jacqui in the parish office. If you prefer to donate anonymously that is not a problem so don’t let that stop you from participating.


If you wish to discuss regular giving to the church, please speak to the Treasurer. If you are a UK taxpayer and do not currently give regularly through the white envelopes scheme or bank standing order, there are yellow ‘Gift Aid’ envelopes in the pews and at the rear of the church. Putting your donation in one of these yellow envelopes and fully completing the details will increase your giving by 28%. There are no penalties on your tax allowance; it is just a generous tax repayment from H.M. Revenue and Customs. Please do use these yellow envelopes if you can – this is an excellent way of increasing our income at no expense to you.

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