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St. Paul's Church - Birmingham England
Music: The Choir
The Church of England
the Church
Set in a timeless Georgian square, with rolling lawns and tree-lined walks

Serving God
in the Jewellery Quarter

Choral Evensong
Sunday 30th January 2011; 6.30pm

Psalm: 24
Introit: Hail Gladdening Light - Charles Wood
Responses: Bernard Rose
Canticles: St Paul's Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: And I saw a new Heaven - Edgar Bainton

All my hope on God is founded
Hail to the Lord who comes
O praise ye the Lord!

Organ Voluntary:
Prelude and Fugue in B major - Marcel Dupré

>The Choir

>Service Music

>Thursday Live Monthly Organ Recitals

>The Organ

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